The Road Safety Authority (RSA) is urging people nationwide to get involved in the seventh annual ‘Irish Road Safety Week’, the national drive to save lives and prevent injury on Irish roads.

Road Safety Week, 6-12 October 2014
The RSA has expressed concern about the high numbers of vulnerable road users killed this year, particularly following the deaths of 13 children under the age of 14 in road traffic accidents so far this year, compared to seven children who were killed on the roads in the whole of 2013.
Unfortunately, it has also been another bad year for motorcyclists with 18 fatalities to date (17 riders, 1 pillion).
Commenting on the rise in casualties among vulnerable road users, Ms Moyagh Murdock, CEO of the Road Safety Authority said:
“Vulnerable road users are most at risk this year – the old and the young, cyclists, pedestrians and motorcyclists. We really need to redouble our efforts to try and reduce what was the worst year on our roads in seven years last year.
During Irish Road Safety Week, let’s all take this opportunity to review our behaviour on the roads and consider what we can do to make our roads safer.”
In a post from July 2013 (here) we referred to a road safety report from An Garda Síochána which highlighted some key facts about motorcyclist casualties.
The Garda report covers 48 collisions between the 1st January 2011 and 2nd July 2013. One of the most alarming facts to emerge is that three out of every four collisions involve another vehicle. The four most common types of collision involving motorcyclists and other vehicles were:
The common factor then seems to be an increase in collisions with other vehicles. We all know that regardless of fault, hitting or being hit by any sort of vehicle will not end well for the rider.

MAG Ireland – Protecting your rights
MAG Ireland PRO and Vice Chairman Victor Donnelly, advised all riders to have high quality Personal Protective Equipment or PPE before getting on a bike:
Riding a motorcycle is an incredible experience because of the sense of freedom it brings, but as motorcyclists we are more vulnerable. MAG Ireland’s aim is to ensure that biking is a fun and enjoyable activity, but most importantly, safe. And to be safe, you need to be prepared. That means having the right protective gear on you at all times and riding defensively.
This year’s Road Safety Week has a particular focus on children and young people with a series of initiatives being planned by local road safety officers in Local Authorities around the country.
Keep an eye on local media for details or see the RSA web site at: