MAG Ireland AGM approves substantial cut in membership fees

From today, all members joining or renewing will be able to avail of a substantial reduction in membership fees. Gone are the old sliding scales based on age which have been replaced by a much simpler – and less expensive – system.

New MAG Ireland Logo

Aligned with fresh new branding, MAG Ireland today announced a new reduced annual membership rate of €25, a 37.5% drop for all comers.

Having received significant feedback from both members and non-members alike that the cost of joining MAG Ireland was a barrier to participation, the board proposed a substantial reduction of rates at yesterday’s AGM. The proposal was unanimously passed by those present.

Today, MAG Ireland also announces a new membership structure designed to encourage participation in motorcycle clubs around the country. Clubs may affiliate to MAG Ireland at an annual rate of €100 per club, which in turn will allow their members to avail of a further discounted rate of only €17 annually, with no limits to the numbers that may avail of this discount. This scheme will launch in December 2012.

“We felt strongly that we needed to bring back the fun element of biking”, said Victor Donnelly, MAG PRO. “This reduced rate should encourage people to join local motorcycle clubs, or form new ones – improving the social aspect of biking across the country” he added.

Bootnotes: Not to disappoint those who have recently renewed, members at the AGM also agreed that anyone who renewed within the previous two months will have their membership terms extended. Those who pay quarterly subscriptions, and wish to retain that facility will also enjoy savings at €7 / quarter (down from €10.00 previously). The marginally higher cost of a quarterly subscription (compared to annual subscriptions) reflects the increased cost of payment processing, yet is still an overall saving of €12.00 for every subscriber.

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